Deco Parallel

At first glance, one might be hard pressed to guess that this was a video cabinet but, it is. It was a wonderful design full of tangents and transitions. Every time I looked at it, it reminded me of the paintings of Tamara De Lempika and certain details of Rockefeller Center. It doesn't get more deco than that.
All of my abstract compositions are conceived as large scale works. They are all designed to answer the question: What would the piece look like commanding a space by filling a large wall and what new environment will be the result. In this it is my intention to create an image that can be visually climbed into, somewhere between architecture and landscape. Photo compositions like the one above quickly answer that question.

The video cabinet held 2 monitors for a window display. the cabinet was made from I lbs. density Styrofoam and then skim coated with joint compound as seen in these photos. The form was then coated with urethane resin before being delivered to the client.

For more on this series please click HERE

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